Monday, October 5, 2009

Danger Zone!

It seems there are benefits and not such benefits to moving into a previously burnt down apartment. This is just today's findings. We've found well over 300 nails in our driveway. Luckily only 3 in out tires.
The boys first noticed them while we were moving in and lined all the nails and screws they could find along the back door and practiced their counting. Once they got to about 67 nails I started worrying that I had an endless collection in my drive way. Well, I did, and just recently I finally found a magnet to pull up the rest of my collection. Crazy!! I've noticed I've got a bunch in my back yard just up against the house that I haven't taken the time to pull up yet.

Who needs a girl?

Landon has insisted on painting my nails for the last week. Finally I had to use this as his incentive for being good while my clients were here. Needless to say, he is very proud of his work and noticed it's starting to come off and wants to fix them for me. We'll see what my nails look like next week:)
He calls them my Halloween finger nails. Appropriate, no?