Saturday, August 16, 2008

Four years

Tuesday the 12th was our anniversary. To celebrate we left the kids with grandma and grandpa Russell, and enjoyed dinner at Olive Garden, we went the dollar movies to see Iron Man, and then we sat outside the temple remembering that wonderful day that started the rest of our lives.
This has to have been the most wonderful and trying four years of both of our lives. From two pregnancies, learning to be parents, to five moves, many job opportunities, day dreaming about where we'd like to spend the rest of our lives together, buying a new car together, and I don't even know how many majors we've been through and so many other things, to growing more in love with each other as time goes on. (That has to have been the worlds longest sentence:)
Luckily these have been the most trying years of our lives, because even then, they've been full of so much joy. I love you Richard. Thank you for the wonderful man you are, and all of the love and hard work you put in to our marriage and our family. I've never seen children who adore their daddy so much.


  1. That was beautifully written Mindy. Happy Anniversary you two lovebirds. I'm glad you got to do something fun together. You guys make such a great pair and you're both such good people. It's obvious you're in love. Love ya both!

  2. Congrats to you, Mindy! Sounds like you had a great time celebrating!

  3. Wow 4 years thats hard to believe! Nice job guys Congrats!! Um so I need you to send me a text with your phone number so I have it. Because that night you called my phone I had like 3 other numbers I didn't know! So I didn't know which one was yours!! Thanks

  4. Wow congrats on 4 years!! Sounds like you guys had fun!

  5. Congratulations! You two are such a good team and so cute!!

  6. Hey Mindy,

    We have a blog now too. It's Check it out. Yours is so cute. We miss you guys.

    Ashley...Moulton that is.

  7. Did you hear that there's a BYU football game on Saturday at 2 pm? Perhaps the women wouldn't mind missing it though? :)

  8. Hey Mindy! It's good to check out your blog again:-)
    I can't believe how big the boys are, and how much Carson looks exactly like Landon... I thought I was looking at Landon a few times. They are both gorgeous... I can imagine how Landon throws balls at this brother and stuff?! He better watch out, cos one day Carson may be bigger than him.

    And you look so great. and it looks like you are doing some fun stuff!!!

    I miss you. I wish you were here to watch Sarah when I am huge as a house:-) take care good friend:-)

  9. Mindy I found your blog! I love your family--it's so cute. Check out my blog!

  10. Congrats!!! What a cute family. Life has a way of taking us through the bad times, but interlaced with many, many, blessings! We love you all.

  11. Sounds like you had a nice night out. Happy Anniversary!
    (My blog is now set to only those I invite can view it. If you send me and email to I can send you and invite.)
