Thursday, June 19, 2008

Landon's Birthday Spotlight

I thought I'd spotlight Landon, and some of the cute things he says.
1- On those morning when he just wakes up too early he comes to me in bed and says "Mom get up, need to fix me dinner".
2- After any meal for a long time he would say "Thanks dinner mom, wuv you, help down please?"
3- Mom "Time to go potty Landon". Landon "Too late", or "I just went last night".
4- For a couple of months whenever anyone was sad because they got hurt, or he didn't want to do what we asked him to he would break out in song "Hap birday to ew, hap birday to ew, hap birday dear ____, hap birday to ew."
5- "Mom, I need an older movie, I two"
6- Anyone "Landon, your a big boy", Landon "No, I a nice guy"
7- Grandma Russell calls Landon's head a noodle "Don't break your noodle". So one day Richard asked Landon what was in his head "Noodles".
8- Richard asked Landon if he wanted to take a shower and Landon said "No, I just take a low water, I not like high waters."
9- This morning Landon was telling me about the bruise on his head from hitting it on my knee yesterday and called my knee my (elbow leg.)
10- If Carson wakes up from a nap crying Landon will go into his room singing him Twinkle twinkle little star to cheer him up.

It's so much fun to hear the things kids say. Happy Birthday Landon!


  1. HOW CUTE! Landon does say the funniest things! He is a doll! I just found your page, and it is really cute. You are such a adorable family!

  2. I can't believe you have a 2 year old! He is so so cute! Hey are you coming to our 5 year reunion on July 23rd?? I just found out about it.

  3. Tell landon happy birthday again for me, and that i miss him. He is so funny1

  4. Mindy, your new place looks AMAZING!! And I LOVED reading the things Landon says. The one about the noodle made me laugh sooo hard. We miss you and hope you're doing great!

  5. Landon does say the FUNNIEST things. He cracks me up. I love that kid!

  6. One of Clint' s buddies just told us about it! It's on July 23rd at the pavillion down at the Spanish Fork pool!

  7. Oh and I think its from like 7-10 or something like that!

  8. Hi Mindy it your cousin Anita, from AZ. Your boys are so cute. I hope all is well with everyone up there. Tell everyone Hi!

  9. Ohhhh my heck he is SO cute!!! He seriously is so funny! Everytime we walk outside to our car he is always there to greet us I love it!! Happy Birthday Landon!!
