Thursday, January 22, 2009

Changes with the Clary's

Richard quit Vantage. He worked for Vantage four and a half years and has now reached the end of classes they'll work with. That means he's almost finished with school and only has day classes left. He put in his 2 weeks notice New Years Eve so last Wednesday was his last day.
He's now working at Telos, a residential treatment facility. It's a school (home) for teenage boys who are depressed. He works nights so he can take all the classes he needs to to hopefully graduate the end of Summer semester:) with his bachelors in Political Science.
Though it's been crazy getting used to a completely new schedule. It's such a relief for all of us, to have Richard working only one full time job and only taking 12 credits. Hopefully the stress level in our home will lower this semester.
Thank you Richard for all of your hard work. It's not easy working 2 jobs and taking 13 credits. You're Awesome.


  1. Oh my, that is a super big change after him working there for so long! I hope that the rest of his school passes quickly. I miss you guys! Sometime when you are in Orem you will have to stop by and see Seth :)

  2. cute new blog! i love it! And yes way to go richard! i'll be impressed when richard graduates and james actually goes to school. hahaha.
